Being healthy, Lifestyle OR a Trend ?

Let us start with a quick question? What is healthy? What does being healthy means? Is it being in a state of well being? Or Is it fulfilling the standards of fitness that have been floating around? It’s been this huge elephant in the room that we are not addressing since a long time and now is the time that we should. Honestly, we’ve been seeing this fancy diets with all sorts of exotic vegetables and ingredients that you’ve never heard of, Keto Diets are blowing off the charts and people going crazy over it regardless of, it works for them or not but that is not how it goes. Diets are personalized, customized and most importantly they should be sustainable. You don't want to follow a diet rigorously for a day or two and then totally leave it at the bay right? SUSTAINABLE DIET is the key to the success of being healthy. You have to be consistent to get whatever you are trying to achieve. Importance of personalized diets. Diet needs to personalized because what mi...